Diane Willcock

MSc, PhD, DipHom(NZ), RCHom

Consultant Homeopath


Whatever your health issue may be, it is uniquely yours
and the path to health will be uniquely yours



How I Can Help You

Acute Conditions

Homeopathy has a great track  record for treating conditions that have started recently (i.e. something that is not chronic), for example a viral or bacterial infection, upset stomach; bad reaction to some environmental factor (sun, wind, cold etc) or emotional stress(grief, shock, anger etc); or injury.

Thanks to the wonders of modern technology, English-speaking clients from all over the world can  consult online from the comfort of their home.

Chronic Conditions

Homeopathy has 200 years of clinical experience of supporting people suffering from chronic illness of mind and body.

Starting point is a full case assessment exploring how the problem is presenting, how it started and various individual aspects to how the client relates to their particular situation in life. 


This is an area of special interest.  
I am currently conducting a qualitative study on homeopathy for PMS and PMDD. Great opportunity for reduced price treatment.


Another area of special interest homeopathy for teeth.  Teeth are just as much part of the body of the body as all the other parts. Dental health should not be looked in isolation.  From use of cell salts for helping remineralise teeth to constitutional prescribing for chronic issues and many things in between Homeopathy can help.

Diane Willcock

Diane Willcock,

MSc, PhD, DipHom(NZ), RCHom

I am a registered Classically trained Homeopath with a background in Computer Science and Mathematics.

Having first encountered the wonders of Homeopathy when my five children were young, I bring a unique mix of science, art and empathy to my practice.

General practise for all the family and a special interest in

Pre-Menstural Disorder and Pre-Menstrual Dysphoria Disorder.

Based in Hamilton, New Zealand and consulting globally online.


Whether it is something relatively minor like an earache or injury or sore throat (things we can label as ‘acute’) or a chronic condition, Homeopathy can help you find your way to health by stimulating your innate healing abilities.

A symptom is not in itself a disease. It is a sign of a deeper problem and an indication of how your innate healing mechanisms are trying to address the problem.
Homeopathy works with these indications and your life-story to address the problem naturally and at a deep level.

Homeopathy is safe for all ages from newborns to the elderly and for pregnant women. It can be used concurrently with conventional medicine. It has no side effects.

Read more about homeopathy

How We Can Work Together …

Free 15 min Discovery Call

This is for you if you want to know more about homeopathy and working with me. A meet-and-greet. The first step on your journey.

15 minute Zoom or Whereby video (or audio) call for you to ask your questions.

In-Person Consultations

This is for you if you live locally – Hamilton, New Zealand.

Online Consultations

This is for you if you do not live locally or cannot come in person.

Thanks to the wonders of modern technology, English-speaking clients from all over the world can  consult for both chronic and acute conditions.

Zoom or Whereby are preferred platforms.

After Hours Service

Acute consultations and advice from qualified homeopaths

How We Can Work Together …

Free 15 min Discovery Call

This is for you if you want to know more about homeopathy and working with me.
A meet and greet. The first step on your journey.

15 minute Zoom or Whereby video (or audio) call for you ask your questions.

In-Person Consultations

This is for you if you live locally – Hamilton, New Zealand.

Online Consultations

This is for you if yo do not live locally or cannot come in person.

Thanks to the wonders of modern technology, English-speaking clients from all over the world can  consult for both chronic and acute conditions.

Zoom or Whereby are preferred platforms.

After Hours Service

Acute consultations and advice from qualified homeopaths

Health is Life Lived in the Silence of the Organs

René Leriche, 1936

I thought I would update you on my homeopathy treatment. I feel so good! I sleep better than I have for years – and I mean years! I feel more relaxed and have had two “normal” periods since being on the remedy.


We would recommend Diane to all our family and friends. She has provided effective solutions to our challenges … Diane has given our family peace of mind as we are in very capable hands.


A’s skin improved drastically. With regular communication and consultations we have been able to maintain these results for months. We now take a good night’s sleep for granted and most importantly A is once again a healthy and happy child


I am feeling so much better, my stomach has settled and I have been having deeper sleep too. People don’t appear to be quite as annoying as they were a few days ago either. 


I just felt more earthed, more balanced, … [the remedy] smoothed out the troughs and peaks.


“I feel a little more even, less anxiety. I feel a little braver, more resolve.”

B. I.

Start Your Journey Today

Whatever your health issue may be, it is uniquely yours and the path to wellness is uniquely yours.