PMS / PMDD Study

Periods are normal.

Physical and Emotional Pain are NOT! 





Are you one of the 30-40% of women who have significant, life-interrupting pre-menstrual symptoms (PMS)?
Or one of the 13-18% of women who have extreme PMS called Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)?

Perhaps you have been lead to believe this is somehow normal? Periods are normal.
Physical pain and emotional / psychological disturbances are NOT normal!

Here is an opportunity to do something about it. Homeopaths recognise your symptoms as a manifestation of underlying problems and also as an indication of what is needed to enable your innate healing abilities to function fully.

Are you ready to take responsibility for your own health and work with a qualified consultant homeopath?
Are you willing to be part of a qualitative study?
In return for your participation and willingness to share (anonymously) your feedback on progress with the homeopathic community and general public, I am offering you a series of four homeopathic consultations at a discounted price.

Your Menstrual Cycle is an indicator of your
fertility and overall health.
Menstrual Irregularities can point the way to
better health and well-being.

You are Eligible if

  • You are suffering from significant premenstrual symptoms
  • You are eager to use homeopathy as a modality of health care
  • You have not been under the care of another homeopath in the last 12 months
  • You are prepared to attend online consultations as follows:
    1x Initial Consultation (90-120 min) and
    3x Follow-up Consultations (30-45 min each) over 5 – 6 months.
  • And you are willing to pay the reduced price of US$50 per consultation (normal price US$170 for first consult, US$80 for follow-ups)

Objectives of the study:

  • Provide and support participants  with safe, ethical, effective, individualised Homeopathic care.
  • Determine and collate results of the scope of Homeopathy in menstrual irregularities, with focus on premenstrual symptoms.
  • Develop a knowledge-base of remedies and clinical cases for other homeopaths to reference in treating people with premenstrual irregularities.

Study limited to 10 people and available for a limited time. 

This study offers you the opportunity to:

  • Learn about your menstrual cycle and embrace your femininity
  • Experience Homeopathy as a natural choice for menstrual disorders under the guidance of a Classical Homeopath at a reduced cost
  • Reclaim your whole health through Homeopathy
Terms and conditions for participants

To participate in the study you will agree

  • in principle, to work with Diane Willcock, Classical Homeopath, for a minimum of 4 consultations (one longer initial consultation and 3 follow-up consultations) over 5-6 months but you are free to discontinue at any time;
  • to pay for each consultation immediately after that consultation taking place;
  • to complete and return a pre-study questionnaire before the initial consult;
  • to provide details of medications and supplements currently being taken along with details of full health/medical history as part of the case-taking process (you will not be asked to stop medications, although if you wish to consider this you will be advised to seek advice from your prescribing Doctor/healthcare practitioner);
  • to track your menstrual cycle using an App, spreadsheet or pen and paper;
  • to purchase and use homeopathic remedies as recomended by Diane;
  • to make reasonable dietary & lifestyle changes if requested;
  • to provide frequent feedback by email once every 1 to 2 weeks between consultations about any changes that occur;
  • complete an evaluation form at the end of your participation in the study;
  • to allow your feedback to be shared (your personal identity will not be disclosed) with other health care professionals for the purpose of study, learning and presentations and to be used on Diane’s website, social media pages, groups and/or associations;
  • that if you wish to continue homeopathic treatment after the four consultations of the study, regular pricing will apply.

You will also acknowledge that

Diane is a qualified professional homeopath but not a medical doctor. 

It is fully the client’s choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Diane presents.

Homeopathy doesn’t “treat” an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. 

Apply to participate

Interested? Book a free 15 minute call and we’ll take it from there