Diane’s Blog

The Homeopath’s Toolkit

The Homeopath’s Toolkit

If you only have a hammer ... It has been said that if you only have a hammer, everything looks like a nail. One of the strengths of homeopathy is that it is very individualised.  Many tools are needed. The homeopath has thousands of remedies to chose from according...

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Feeling Stuck?

Feeling Stuck?

Chloe's skin condition A vibrant, confident 10 year old girl, let's call her Chloe,  came into my clinic with her mother.  Chloe had a minor skin condition that just wouldn't go away with skin care products or time.We talked about when the problem started and slowly...

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Nettle Tea

Nettle Tea

Stinging nettle has been used medicinally & as a food since antiquity . It is rich in Calcium, Iron and many other nutrients. See, for example, this paper or this article for more about the extraordinary properties of this wonderful plant. When advising clients...

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Homeopathy and Jet Lag

Homeopathy and Jet Lag

Living in New Zealand, as I do, is wonderful - except when you want to travel to another part of the world .  Everywhere else is so far away! After 24 to 48 hours of long haul flights and airport lounges, your poor mind and body is struggling to keep up. (And if...

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Homeopathy vs Cell Salts

Homeopathy vs Cell Salts

Cell salts or Tissues salts seem to be rising in popularity at the moment.Are they part of homeopathy or something different? Yes to both. A bit of background first. In the mid nineteenth century, after the death of Samuel Hahnemann (the founder of homeopathy) and...

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Homeopathy & Weight Loss

Homeopathy & Weight Loss

Is there a remedy to help me lose weight? Short answer is No.  The long answer is more encouraging. Homeopathy's strength is it's individualised approach - just as there is no one diet suits all people, there is no one remedy to help all people. There are myriad...

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What to Expect From Homeopathy

What to Expect From Homeopathy

So you've started homeopathic treatment for your chronic condition and are wondering what to expect? Maybe you'll be one of the cases where everything resolves in a few days and you live happily ever after. These are the cases homeopaths love to publish.  More often...

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