Diane’s Blog

Homeopathy for Menstrual Pain

Homeopathy for Menstrual Pain

Most women can relate to the concept of period pain (dysmenorrhea).  The pain can range from mild to extreme. Many people think that it is normal.  Some will take a pain-killer to get through the day. Some will take a pain-killer followed by a strong coffee - works...

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I am often asked about homeopathic vaccination.  Just to be clear, although the terms are used, strictly speaking there is no such thing as homeopathic vaccination or immunisation. There is however, Homeoprophylaxis (HP) which is defined as the use of potentised...

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Homeopathy for Sunburn

Homeopathy for Sunburn

Sunburn and homeopathy! I can speak from  experience - although I am old enough to know better. Last holiday in the sun I managed to burn the fronts of my legs and my feet.  Red as a cooked lobster!    There's been a bit of discussion lately about sun-protection...

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Homeopathy for PMS and PMDD

Homeopathy for PMS and PMDD

Why is it not a public health crisis that up 80% of women (depending which estimate you look at) suffer from pre-menstrual pain and/or emotional distress? Maybe it doesn't need to be.  Maybe there is a solution.Let's look at problem and what can be done about it. Pre...

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What is Homeopathy?

What is Homeopathy?

The Hair of the Dog There is saying about the hair of the dog that bit you. It originated sometime in the mists of antiquity – the Romans are said to have treated dog bites with a salve from made from burnt hair of the offending dog. These days the expression is used...

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