Homeopathy vs Cell Salts

Cell salts or Tissues salts seem to be rising in popularity at the moment.Are they part of homeopathy or something different? Yes to both. A bit of background first. In the mid nineteenth century, after the death of Samuel Hahnemann (the founder of homeopathy) and...

Remedies for Weight Gain at Change of Life

Magic pill? Menopause is unavoidable. Every woman must cross this bridge at some stage.  For some it is a non-issue, for others it is a major issue replete with symptoms that range from inconvenient to debilitating. One common complaint of women at this time is weight...

Homeopathy for Sunburn

Sunburn and homeopathy! I can speak from  experience – although I am old enough to know better. Last holiday in the sun I managed to burn the fronts of my legs and my feet.  Red as a cooked lobster!    There’s been a bit of discussion lately about...

Beyond Arnica – Homeopathy for Beginners Part 2

Next you will need a book.  So you have your Arnica and are happily using it for various injuries, what next? Two things – a reference book and more remedies.  Actually the more books and remedies the better.  [Homeopaths tend to have far too many books and...

Homeopathy for Beginners

This, my first blog post, is in response to a query on the Facebook Group Ask a Homeopath. A person new to homeopathy asked “Where do I start?”, “What are some common remedies to have on hand?” and “What are good resources for learning more?”. A good place to start is...