Feeling Stuck?

by | Mar 1, 2024 | General | 0 comments

Chloe’s skin condition

A vibrant, confident 10 year old girl, let’s call her Chloe,  came into my clinic with her mother.  Chloe had a minor skin condition that just wouldn’t go away with skin care products or time.
We talked about when the problem started and slowly uncovered a story of an event at school. Objectively the event wasn’t a big deal but Chloe’s experience of the event was emotionally traumatic.
And she became stuck there.
Chloe’s mother even mentioned that no new adult teeth had come through since then.

The experience of the event plus the particulars of the skin condition pointed to an appropriate remedy which was then given.

At the follow-up Chloe’s mother was surprised to report that as well the skin clearing up, two  adult teeth had come through in the week following the remedy. A number of other improvements on various levels were also noted.

Chloe had resolved the emotional issues and moved on from where she was stuck.

Are you feeling stuck …

in your reponse to people or events outside your control, or in your relationships, or in your career or in any (or all) aspects of life?

Sometimes all you need is an evening out or holiday – a change of scenery.  Other times more is needed.

Stuck-ness might look like:

  • Not being able to work through the effects of emotional event; the event disportionately colours your thought processes and decisions (you may not even be aware of this).
  • Always reacting in the same unhelpful or negative way to a particular stress or person. 
  • Really wanting something—a new job, relationship, or improved health, for example—but having no motivation to get it or talking yourself out of steps to move toward it.
  • Endlessly thinking about what could be better or different. Indecision, worry, and over-thinking rob you of being present and enjoying life as it is.
  • In children, development in one or more areas may have slowed or stalled.
  • Or it may be a more physical stuck-ness. For example your body on a repeat-loop always coming down with a cold or never been well since some event. 

The Remedy is not who you are
but who you are not.

Who you are, you cannot name
and is never stuck.

How Homeopathy can Help

Whether the reason for the visit to the homeopath, the goal is to find a remedy that fits the individual and the symptoms and circumstances. A remedy that can help you move past where you are stuck.
A full consultation is the first step. There we look at the whole person, your medical history, your inherited weaknesses, your situation in life, your situation when the problem started, your way of interacting with people and to environmental stressors and so much more. We listen to your story.

From there a remedy (or set of remedies) is chosen to ‘open the case’.  A few weeks later at a  follow-up session the response to the remedy is investigated and the next steps determined.
See also What to Expect from Homeopathy

The remedies are chosen to stimulate your own healing mechanisms to complete their work.

If you would  like to talk with me about this, please book a free 15min call …

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