This, my first blog post, is in response to a query on the Facebook Group Ask a Homeopath.
A person new to homeopathy asked “Where do I start?”, “What are some common remedies to have on hand?” and “What are good resources for learning more?”.
A good place to start is the remedy Arnica. Most people have heard of Arnica – either as a remedy or as cream or gel – for bruises, sprains and strains. The homeopathic remedy, Arnica 30C (more about the 30C part in a later post) is one that I recommend for every first aid kit. I always have a spray bottle in my handbag.
Arnica Montana is a perennial alpine herb with yellow daisy-like flowers. Indigenous to Central Europe, Arnica has long been valued by Swiss mountaineers who chew it to relieve muscular aching & exhaustion in extreme altitudes.
Mountain goats are also aware of the properties of Arnica and will seek it out to chew if they happen to fall & injure themselves. This gives us clues as to how the homeopathic remedy will work.
Arnica helps reduce shock, relieve pain, diminish swelling, and begin healing. Consider using it for any significant soft tissue injury.
BROKEN BONES / FRACTURES: Reduces swelling, helps with bruising and to control internal bleeding; also deals with shock (there are other remedies to help the bones heal)
BRUISING: Bruised tissue from physical trauma, injury, accident, falls or blows. Good for head injuries
CUTS / WOUNDS: Helps deal with the initial shock, reduce swelling and control bleeding
EYE INJURIES: Any injury or trauma to the eye, from a blow or knock to the eye.
JETLAG: Where there is a feeling of being battered & bruised
LABOUR: Before, during, and after labour to help the mother and infant deal with the shock and trauma of birth (by breastfeeding, baby will gain the benefits of the mother taking Arnica)
OVEREXERTION: Relieves muscular pain & discomfort from overexertion e.g. an unaccustomed day’s work in the garden or physically demanding sport
SHOCK: Shock after any physical trauma or accident.
SPRAINS / STRAINS: Reduces swelling helps control internal bleeding, reduces bruising and deals with shock.
SURGERY: Helps with shock, bleeding and reduction of pain & swelling after surgery, including dental work & tooth extraction.
*Empirical evidence of 200 years of clinical experience