Homeopathy for Sunburn

by | Jun 11, 2021 | Remedies | 0 comments

Sunburn and homeopathy! I can speak from  experience – although I am old enough to know better. Last holiday in the sun I managed to burn the fronts of my legs and my feet.  Red as a cooked lobster! 


There’s been a bit of discussion lately about sun-protection and the remedy Sol (yes, made from sunshine – solar radiation if you prefer). Some people swear by it and others have less than impressive experiences.

Seems that like everything in homeopathy – individualisation is key.


Mild sunburn does seem to respond well to Sol. But if sunburn is more severe or after a couple of doses there is no response think of these other remedies to ease pain and prevent complications such as blisters and infection.

When sunburn is over a large area (because there is often an element of shock present) take a one dose of Arnica first.

Red, shiny puffy sunburn.  Stinging and burning pain.  May have water-filled blisters


Use cream to soothe sunburn or when blisters have broken to promote new skin growth (alternately use Hypercal or Urtica cream).



Violent heat, redness, throbbing, swelling and burning pain which comes and goes suddenly. Worse for motion, heat, better for light covering.



At it’s worst, violent burning pain and blisters (if taken soon enough, can prevent blisters); itching, smarting or raw sensation. Worse for touch and better for cold application.
This possibly the most often used remedy for sunburn with no clear indications for another remedy.



Serious burns with burning pain, blisters and weakness, burns that blister and ooze.



If sweating and cramps occur with sunburn.



Burns with blistering and shooting pains. Worse for cold and movement.


Urtica Urens
Stinging burning pains and violent itching. Use topically as well as internally. Worse for cold bathing.
In my case Cantharis was indicated – after 2 doses (about 20mins apart) the burning sensation had gone. I continued taking it twice a day for a few days. However the damage was done and the dead skin did eventually peel.

General advice – remember to stay hydrated / re-hydrate with sunburn and if signs of sun-stroke (throbbing headache, dizziness, nausea, rapid heartbeat, rapid shallow breathing, muscle weakness or cramps) seek medical help (and look up remedies for sun stroke).

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