Homeopathy vs Cell Salts

by | Jun 4, 2022 | Remedies | 0 comments

Cell salts or Tissues salts seem to be rising in popularity at the moment.
Are they part of homeopathy or something different? Yes to both.

A bit of background first.

In the mid nineteenth century, after the death of Samuel Hahnemann (the founder of homeopathy) and following the discovery that living beings are made of tiny living cells, another German doctor, Wilhelm Schüessler (1821-1898) took it upon himself to analyse the inorganic composition of  human cells.

Doctor Schüessler went about this by analysing the ash from cremations (we can only assume all ethical considerations were taken into account).
He found that human beings consist of twelve mineral salts. He proposed that  a proper balance of these salts is necessary for normal cell function and to maintain good health. When cellular balance is disturbed an abnormal condition leading to various ailments follows. According to Dr Schüessler, a normal balance of these vital salts can be re-established by administering the deficient mineral salts in a readily assimilated form.
[Schüessler later removed Calcium Sulphate from his list but it seems to have stuck.]

Schüessler’s 12 Tissue Salts

1. Calc. Fluor. (Calcium Fluoride)
2. Calc. Phos. (Calcium Phosphate)
3. Calc. Sulph. (Calcium Sulphate)
4. Ferr. Phos. (Iron Phosphate)
5. Kali mur. (Potassium Chloride)
6. Kali Phos. (Potassium Phosphate)
7. Kali Sulph. (Potassium Sulphate)
8. Mag. Phos. (magnesium Phophate)
9. Nat. Mur. (Sodium chloride)
10. Nat. Phos. (Sodiumm Phosphate)
11. Nat. Sulph. (Sodium Sulphate)
12. Silica (Silica Oxide)

Having been trained in the various medical practices of his day including homeopathy, Schüessler found the most effective way to assimilate these salts is via micro doses  prepared the same way as homeopathic remedies – dilution and succussion.  Schüessler himself wasn’t too particular about standardising the preparation – that was introduced by Dr Hering, the German homeopath who took homeopathy to the United States. Hering established the 6x potency as the norm.

Schüessler was very clear that his new method of treatment was not homeopathy as the principle behind it was not Hahnmann’s Law of Similars (Like Cures Like) but rather a consideration of the chemical connections of human biology.  He called it BIOCHEMISTRY.

Thus we have this interesting situation where the same thing can be used in two different ways.  The cell salts can be used as such to correct deficiencies or as homeopathic remedies according to the Law of Similars. Homeopaths will use these mineral salts in various potencies depending on the situation.  Many homeopaths will also give cell salts along side deeper acting remedies as supportive treatment.

Facial Analysis

Schussler’s new medicines rapidly gained popularity and he gained much experience in their use. With this experience came a knowledge of physical signs in people’s faces which  indicate what mineral might be lacking.  


Cell salts for wrinkles

Replacing the deficient minerals with Schüessler cell salts not only improves your health but can improve you appearance too.


It is well worth being familiar with the cell salts for personal and family health care. You can download a free PDF of The Biochemic Handbook here .

Knowing the cell salts is also a good doorway into homeopathy. There are only 12 remedies to learn!

FAcial Analysis

A good place to start learning the secrets of Schüessler Cell salts is through a personalised facial analysis

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