Homeopathy & Weight Loss

by | Dec 3, 2021 | Weight Loss | 0 comments

Is there a remedy to help me lose weight?

Short answer is No.  The long answer is more encouraging.

Homeopathy’s strength is it’s individualised approach – just as there is no one diet suits all people, there is no one remedy to help all people.

There are myriad reasons why a person might have trouble losing weight.
Some people just need to make a few lifestyle changes:

Reduce over-processed foods
Less carbs
More good fats
More exercise
Less coffee
More water
Stop snacking

Other people find this doesn’t help or they lack the motivation to make the changes.

Emotional Aspects

Emotional issues are often involved. Eating is such an important part of many aspects of our lives that it is not surprising that strong emotions can become attached to food.

When stressed some people eat ‘comfort food’ looking something to make them feel better – may be a food they associate with happier times.

Uncomfortable (or worse) experiences at the dinner table as a child impact our attitudes to eating as an adult.  These are some comments I have heard:

I don’t like being forced and controlled … I was often forced to sit at the table for many hours to finish my dinner.

We sat at the table and ate silently while my dad watched the evening news and mom got him what he needed. We were to be silent and not heard or to interrupt his meal and news.

I sometimes ask clients to complete the sentence “Food for me is ….”. This can be very revealing.

Hormonal Aspects

Women in particular may have hormonal aspects to their excess weight.

Weight issues often begin at a particular stage of a woman’s reproductive life especially puberty, pregnancy or menopause. All of these milestones are important times of change in a woman’s life – excessive weight gain does not help her to navigate the changes well. More importantly weight gain may indicate that she has a problem with the delicate balance of hormones such as Oestrogen and Progesterone especially if there are also problems with her periods (excessive bleeding or cramps, for example) or infertility. Older women may have problems with hot flushes or other common peri-menopausal symptoms.

For more information on Menstrual Cycles see my blogs

Understanding Your Menstrual Cycle
Are Menstrual Periods Necessary?

Thyroid Health

Weight gain can be a sign of Thyroid dysfunction, particularly an underactive thyroid. Signs of thyroid problem include:

Hypothyroidism (under active) Hyperthyroidism (over active)
Dry coarse hair Hair loss
Loss of eyebrow hair Bulging eyes
Puffy face Enlarged Thyroid
Enlarged thyroid Sweating
Slow heart beat Rapid heart beat
Constipation Weight loss
Weight gain Frequent bowel motions
Brittle nails Warm, moist, hands
Arthritis Tremor of fingers
Cold intolerance Soft nails
Depression Insomnia
Dry skin Heat intolerance
Fatigue Infertiltiy
Forgetfulness Irritability
Infertiltiy Muscle weakness
Muscle aches Nervousness
Heavy menstrual periods Scant menstrual periods

If you think you may have thyroid problems, ask your doctor for a full thyroid panel blood test.


How Homeopathy can Help

Whether the reason for excess weight is hormonal, emotional, a thyroid problem or something else, the homeopathic approach is much the same – we find a remedy that fits the individual.
A full consultation is the first step. There we look at the whole person, her medical history, her situation in life, her hormonal history (including any use of hormonal contraceptives – often we need to detox this), her way of interacting with people and to environmental stressors and so much more. We listen to her story.

From there a remedy (or set of remedies) is chosen to ‘open the case’.  A few weeks later at a  follow-up session the response to the remedy is investigated and the next steps determined. 
See also What to Expect from Homeopathy

The remedies are chosen to stimulate your own healing mechanisms to complete their work. As your physical and emotional health comes back into balance, the obstacles to a gaining an appropriate weight should resolve and you are on your way to a healthier and happier self.

If you’re like to talk with me about this, book a free 15min chat 

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