The Homeopath’s Toolkit

by | Oct 16, 2024 | Beginners, General | 0 comments

If you only have a hammer …

It has been said that if you only have a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

One of the strengths of homeopathy is that it is very individualised.  Many tools are needed.

The homeopath has thousands of remedies to chose from according to the patient’s symptoms.

Potency and dosage are chosen according to the person’s vitality, circumstances and a number of other factors.  And each homeopath adopts their own way of working depending on their individual strengths and the person in front of them.

Many people (especially you superstar parents who already use homeopathy for your families) are familiar with the process of acute cases – collecting the pertinent symptoms in much detail and finding a remedy that matches.  The process for chronic (non-acute) cases is basically the same except with more layers, more complications and a wider lens. We call this constitutional prescribing. There are many paths from the starting point to the best remedy or remedies.

Today’s world is complicated – we can be exposed to all manner of toxins: household chemicals, nutritionless food, pharmacuetical, recreational drugs, pesticides, herbicides, air pollution, artificial contraceptives, plastics,  and so forth.  Life also presents us with emotional and physical traumas which we cope more or less well with.

Tools in the Toolbox

By the time someone with chronic disease presents in front of the homeopath, they will likely have many layers of problems developed to unravel. The present state will have developed over years or even decades and will not be a quick fix.
Fortunately homeopaths have many tools for finding the homeopathic remedy the a person needs (because not everyone needs the same tool). 

The homeopath will work with them to reveal the whole story, establish a timeline and assess what needs to be addressed first and how best to go about it.

This might involve (in no particular order)

  • Giving organ support remedies especially to the organs of elimination
  • Restoring hormonal balance after use of contraceptives or other hormone disruptors
  • Miasmic prescribing to address inherited constitutional weaknesses
  • “Detoxing’ allopathic medications such as antibiotics or steroids if these have left side-effects
  • Use of sarcodes –  remedies made from secretions, tissues or organs of healthy humans and animals; these seem to provide an energetic blueprint of a healthy tissue or organ or level of secretion 
  • Cell salt remedies to replenish deficiencies at a cellular level
  • A constitutional remedy for each layer as they unfold

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